Japan Lump-sum Pension Refund, Tax Refund - YouAT LLC

英語 日本語 中国語 ベトナム語
Please count on us for Japan's pension and tax refund
Please count on us for pension and tax refund

about YouAT

YouAT LLC carries out services for non-Japanese working and residing in Japan.

  • Japanese pension refund service for non-Japanese. Since our start-up in 2009 we have had more than 200 clients per 1 year, and we have received high appreciations from many non-Japanese having worked in Japan.
  • Agent service to claim Japanese old age pensions, mainly non-Japanese. It gets started since August 2017's new pension sysytem.

Neo Koporasu Shimanouchi B #512
21 Nishinokyo Simanouchicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
EMAIL: info@youat-jp.com

Pension topics
Blog:Why is Japanese pension system’s reform needed?
Blog:Does inflation lead Lump-sum Pension Refund to its rise?
Read more

English video

Japanese pension (Nenkin) can claim for 10 years contribution.10年加入で厚生,国民年金は請求できます.


Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds Q&A:YouAT LLC BLOG