Japan Lump-sum Pension Refund, Tax Refund - YouAT LLC

英語 日本語 中国語 ベトナム語
Please count on us for Japan's pension and tax refund
Please count on us for pension and tax refund

Tax Refund Service

YouAT LLC can give tax refund (tax return) services to foreign people who worked in Japan.
Please send us Tax agent designation form as well as the following documents. We, as your tax agent, claim your tax refund to the tax office in Japan.

Example of refundable taxes

Income tax(所得税)
Resident tax(住民税)
Part of monthly income and resident taxes withheld from your salary can be refunded after you leave the company.
Please get original GensenChoshu-hyo (源泉徴収票, annual sheets of withheld taxes) from the company you were hired.
Income tax on reimbursements of retirement(including 401K-like payments) Taxes on them can be refunded.
Income tax on pension refunds 20% taxes of them can be refunded. Please send us (1) “Notice of Entitlement: Your Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments” and (2) Tax agent designation form. For details, please see this page.


25% of the refunded taxes
  • We claim your tax refund as your tax agent in Japan.
  • When we confirm the refunds we will send them to your bank account after we deduct our fee from it.
  • Mailing costs and transaction fees of financial institutions don’t be included in our fee.
  • Around 1 to 3 months are needed to get refunded after we receive needed documents from you.

Pension topics
Blog:Why is Japanese pension system’s reform needed?
Blog:Does inflation lead Lump-sum Pension Refund to its rise?
Read more

English video

Japanese pension (Nenkin) can claim for 10 years contribution.10年加入で厚生,国民年金は請求できます.


Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds Q&A:YouAT LLC BLOG