Japan Lump-sum Pension Refund, Tax Refund - YouAT LLC

英語 日本語 中国語 ベトナム語
Please count on us for Japan's pension and tax refund
Please count on us for pension and tax refund

Contact Form

Red denote required items. Please be sure to fill in.
If you have difficulty to send this contact form, then please contact info@youat-jp.com.

Your name*
Your citizenship*
Your Gender* male  female
Visa status* working visa  permanent residency[永住者]
spouse/long term residency[配偶者等/定住者]  others
Your Place of
At present, I still live in Japan.
I already live out of Japan.
Final depature
date from Japan

※If you still live in Japan please write the due date to leave.(example)31/12/20**
About "Notification of
After July 9 of 2012, foreigners who claim Japanese pension refunds ("pension's lump-sum withdrawal payments") are required to apply for Notification of Moving-out (tenshutsu-todoke [転出届] in Japanese, we call it "Notification" after here) to the municipal office where you are registered.
Please choose the following item you fit in.

I will apply (already have applied) for my Notification by myself.
I will designate YouAT LLC as public agent for my Notification.
I don't know whether I applied for my Notification or not.

Date of Birth*
Names of Companies
and Periods
You are/were in*
Names of Companies
(Example)Tozai Industry Inc.

(Example)04/01/2010 - 03/31/2012
※Please fill in all of companies and employed periods one by one. If you can't write all your career, please continue to write down in "Details to contact us" below.
Details to contact us
Agreement to give us
your personal
Please read our policy below. If you agree with it, please tick "I agree to give..."
We YouAT LLC here declare that we observe all the applicable laws and ordinances with regard to protecting personal information and we pay our best attention to appropriate handling and protecting personal information under the Japan's Personal Information Protection Law in doing our business.
1. We pay our best attention to protect and reserve our clients' personal information, and we don't use it for other purposes than doing our business asked by our clients and/or giving our clients some information and notices useful to them.
2. We handle risks of our clients' personal information (e.g. illegal accesses to personal information, loss, destruction, or altering of personal information) by taking appropriate measures, and, through that, we keep the security for and accuracy of our clients' personal information.
3. We incessantly pay our best attention to applicable laws and ordinances with regard to protecting personal information and observe them.
4. We incessantly do our best to improve our measures of protecting personal information properly.
5. Contact us according to protecting personal information --- E-mail:info@youat-jp.com
I agree to give you my personal information.

If you are OK, please click "CHECK OUT" below.

Pension topics
Blog:Why is Japanese pension system’s reform needed?
Blog:Does inflation lead Lump-sum Pension Refund to its rise?
Read more

English video

Japanese pension (Nenkin) can claim for 10 years contribution.10年加入で厚生,国民年金は請求できます.


Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds Q&A:YouAT LLC BLOG