Japan Lumpsum Pension Refund, Tax Return - YouAT LLC

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Please count on us for Japan's pension and tax refund
Please count on us for pension and tax refund

Pension Topics

To Foreigners Leaving Japan after July 2012 | 2012年7月以降に日本を出国する外国人の皆さんへ | 2012年7月9日后离开日本的外国朋友,请一定过目!

Since July 9, 2012 a new residency management system for foreigners (在留管理制度) has started.

Under the new system you foreigners are registered in the “Resident Registration (住民登録[jumin toroku, じゅうみんとうろく] in Japanese)” at the municipal office where each of you lives.

If you foreigners wish to claim your pension refunds (pension’s lump-sum withdrawal payments) after leaving Japan, then you must nullify your “Resident Registration”. To do so;

Please apply for “notification of moving-out (転出届[tenshutsu todoke, てんしゅつとどけ] in Japanese)” just before you leave Japan, to the municipal office you are registered in.

You can apply for it by yourself / through your public agent. If you leave Japan without applying for “notification”, though, you can apply for it from abroad by yourself / through your public agent too.

YouAT LLC has Sumida Masanori Labor and Social Security Attorney & Administrative Scrivener as one of its members, so we can be a public agent to apply for "notification" for foreigners legally. We can give you services to serve you as a public agent to apply for "notification", no matter how you still stay in Japan or have already left Japan. Basically we set its fee to 5,000 yen.



合同会社YouATは、「住田正則 社会保険労務士・行政書士」が社員であり、転出届の代理申請を行うことができます。日本に在住、または日本から出国した外国人の皆さんのために、当社が代理人として転出届を申請するオプションを提供いたします。手数料は、基本料金5,000円で代理いたします。




合同会社YouAT里有“社会保险劳务士・行政书士的住田正则老师”,可以代办“転出届”。 为了住在日本,或已经离开日本的外国朋友,我们公司提供代办転出届的选项服务,该服务的手续费为5000日元/基本费用。具体说明请查看下面的手续费部分。

Pension topics
Blog:Tax reduction in 2024 – how much and for whom?
Blog:What is the difference of Lump-sum Pension Refund between Kokumin Nenkin and Kosei Nenkin?
Read more

English video

Japanese pension (Nenkin) can claim for 10 years contribution.10年加入で厚生,国民年金は請求できます.


Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds Q&A:YouAT LLC BLOG