Japan Lumpsum Pension Refund, Tax Return - YouAT LLC

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Please count on us for Japan's pension and tax refund
Please count on us for pension and tax refund

Pension Topics

Maximum year for Pension Refund extended

For non-Japanese who contribute Japanese Pension (Kosei Nenkin / Kokumin Nenkin) AFTER APRIL 2021, maximum period of pension refunds (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments) is extended up to 5 years (60 months).

For non-Japanese who end their contributions of Japanese Pension (Kosei Nenkin / Kokumin Nenkin) BEFORE APRIL 2021, maximum period of pension refunds (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments) is 3 years (36 months), that is unchanged.

Note: Pension refund (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments) can be claimed by non-Japanese who contribute Japanese Pension (Kosei Nenkin / Kokumin Nenkin) for more than 6 months AND less than 10 years (120 months).

For details please see this article:

Website of Japan Pension Service (Japanese):

Pension topics
Blog:Back to when income tax refunds permitted? (ver. Year 2025)
Blog:What is “the wall of 1.03 million yen”?
Read more

English video

Japanese pension (Nenkin) can claim for 10 years contribution.10年加入で厚生,国民年金は請求できます.


Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds Q&A:YouAT LLC BLOG